Sunday, August 12, 2007

Magical Supertime happy face!

Stardust is awesome.
Rush Hour 3 is horrendous.

I saw both of those movies yesterday, but more importantly I saw a metric assload of movie previews. Since I don't really watch TV, I don't really see a lot of movie previews. Most of the previews I see online are for movies I already know about and am probably going to see anyway. All the previews before Rush Hour 3 were for movies that looked to be as crappy if not more crappy than the feature presentation, except for American Gangster, which looks awesome. Most of the previews before Stardust were uninteresting except the one for Across the Universe . Across the Universe is a musical set in US during the 60's. It's about an English gent who comes to the states and falls in love with some chick and it uses exclusively Beatle's songs as the soundtrack. WOOT! It kind of looks and feel like Moulin Rouge, which is a movie I quite enjoy. So I'll probably end up seeing it and buying the soundtrack.

I'm not quite done with book four, so you'll have to wait for my next post for my insights into Harry Potter's fourth year at Hogwarts, sorry.

I hope we play frisbee tonight. It's been too long since I've participated in a good game of disc.

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