Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Number 200!!! I think...

Brief work update (I promise) Jay hired some young guy named Jason to do route one. I'm really tired of work.

Not so brief Harry Potter update.
I realized a few days ago that this reread will probably be the last time I pick up any of the Harry Potter books for a long, long time. Unless she writes more books, which I think she might. Anyway I finished book 2 on Sunday... I think. I can't remember. Yeah, it must have been Sunday. Book 2 is really funny. It might be her best book... it's not, but if I were trying to defend her writing to someone, I would probably present Chamber of Secrets as exhibit A. Her best book is probably book 3, which I finished last night. I love book 3 so much, and it was a lot better rereading it with David Thewlis as the Lupin in my head. The big revelation scene in the Shrieking Shack has too much yelling and it seems like the situation could have been diffused a lot sooner if Lupin and Sirius would've been less vague about who they were intending to kill.

Black: I'm totally going to kill someone in this room that's a wizard!
Harry: No I won't let you!
Lupin: Stand back Harry, Sirius is going to murder someone who is in the Shrieking Shack and has spent a lot of time at Hogwarts recently!
Ron: No don't!
Black: Yes, the time has finally come to end the life someone in that particular corner. (Sirius points vaguely to the corner of the room where Harry, Ron and Hermione were standing)

I kept wanting Ron to put the moves on Hermione in book three. Hermione shows a lot of vulnerability in book three, she really needed someone to be there for her. Ron totally could have hit that.

I didn't go running today or Monday. I'm going tomorrow, I promise. I just need to get some good music on my MP3 player. I've been listening to a Hell of a lot of Wilco lately. I really like Wilco, but I need something different for running purposes. Something that's distracting, yet compelling. I could just put a mix on there, but that usually doesn't work out because I usually just ending up skipping to the tracks I really want to hear, I feel with a whole album on there I'm more likely to listen to the whole thing.

Ok, I'm going to start reading book 4 now.

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