Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Maybe I should write the title after I blog, so the title is related to what I write about...

So the thing about this morning route is that I get home from work an hour or so before I would normally get out of bed. This leaves me with more time than I know what to do with. I think I'll watch a movie this morning. I still haven't watched Jarhead.

Work is going to suck tonight. It's the day after a holiday AND the end of the month. Yup. Screwed-town, population CMS.

My blog is so boring. That's it. I've decided that this week is sweeps week.

I killed a guy yesterday. I think I killed him. I hit him pretty hard in the back of the head with a baseball bat, and he wasn't moving when I left. Let me add that this "guy" was really an alien disguised as a guy, so it's not like I killed a person. But I think it's also important to note that this "alien" was on a mission of peace trying to unite his planet and ours, which would usher in an era of incredible prosperity for both planets, and bring technologies unimagined to the people of earth. I would also like to say, in my defense, that this alien was a total D-bag, and everyone at the Galactic Symposium for Peace and Unity knew it, I just did something about it. I'm pretty sure that the Phlum are going to cover for me though. They were hosting the gathering, and they're usually pretty good about keeping these sort of incidents on the down-low. If not, then earth and everyone on it is probably going to be destroyed by the Aigan Death Fleet. And if they do, I'll totally understand. It's not personal. They're just doing their job, which is to enforce the rules of the galaxy. And there are rules about killing amabassadors on missions of peace during a peaceful trade negotiation, the operative one in this case being, "don't kill them". So yeah... I guess we'll see how this one plays out.

I'm not really digging Empire at War.

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