Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Unrelated Title

I got payed to play poker for an hour tonight. The printer for the machine stopped working correctly so Jimmy had to restart it, a process which takes anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes. We played some poker. I lost. Twice. Sentences. Without. Verbs.

I caught part "Beyond the Sea" after work tonight. My dad was watching it when I came home. My love for Kevin Spacey not withstanding, I thought this movie wasn't very good. It was more of a showcase of Mr. Spacey's considerable vocal/acting abilities. It was pretty weak compared to some of the other recent bio-pics about dead musicians.

So I got some free songs from e-music when I upgraded Winamp. I used 10 of them to download "Funeral" by Arcade Fire. What the Hell were we thinking me, Pete and Steve? This album pretty much rocks. I blame our collectively tepid reaction to a Mr. Sufjan Stevens, who's gentle pop masterpiece "Come on Feel The Illinoise" shut our minds to the sometimes gritty sounds of the Arcade Fire.

I'm torrenting some Big Train. I'm torrenting Michael Palin's first travel documentary. It's a very exciting time.

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