Monday, February 09, 2009

I believe in a thing called love, or at least I believe that The Darkness believes in a thing called love.

Why is The Darkness not represented in the game Rock Band? How did this horrible oversight happen? Rock Band is a game that consists of people pretending to be rock stars. The Darkness made a career (well really more of a summer job) of pretending to be rock stars (of course they eventually became rock stars in the process, but still). It seems like a perfect fit.

Notre Dame's trivia night went ok. I think they'll continue to let me write questions for it, which is good, I suppose.

School is school. Matthew and I are in the same writing group for Remedial Writing for Writing Majors and Minors, which is cool (Matthew being in my group, not the class. The class in kind of lame so far, and it's not really called remedial writing, but that's what it feels like sometimes). I like his stuff, and I don't really get to read a lot of it (although generally speaking, I prefer his fiction to his essays, and since this is an essay class that's mostly what I'll be reading, but whatevs, I'm not picky). Advanced video is going to be weird, for a number of reasons, and American Cultural Landscapes is really boring, but at the same time kind of interesting. It's just hard to pay attention in that class. So there you have it. My summary of my classes. A full four weeks late. Enjoy.

For those of you that are Pete Wissinger, where the hell is the new Decemberists album?

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