Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mr. Excitement.

Here are some things I'm pretty excited about.

1. Making my movie (which will start happening in the next couple of weeks or so, I swear).
2. The new Decemberists Album/Tour
3. The new Neko Case Album (I mean, look at the cover art!)
4. The new Bishop Allen Album (they're playing in Memphis in a couple of weeks, I probably won't go, but I'll think about going)
5. The new Scott Pilgrim Book (Hurry Matthew! Read quickly!)
6. The Watchmen Movie (I think it might not suck).
7. Going to Las Vegas (sort of... not really... although I am excited about seeing Joe out there)
8. Working on Notre Dame's promotional video

Here are some things that I'm not very excited about.

1. My Remedial Writing For English Majors Class (which is still not what the class is called, but it's still what it feels like)
2. Graduating (I know, I know, you're tired of hearing about this, but I already started the list, and totally fits on it, so deal)
3. Working on Notre Dame's promotional video ("But wait! You just said you were excited about it!? You are such a hypocrite!" Well, yes. I am a hypocrite, but the reason I'm not looking forward to it, is the massive amount of post production that is going to have to go into it. I like shooting. I like interviewing and lugging equipment around. I do not like editing so much. Well I like some editing, but not the kind of editing that's going to have to go into this piece. It's going to be monumental.)

That is all!

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