Previously on "Matt Essner: Philosopher in training"
Ernest: Are you sure this is the right key?
Hamilton: I'm pretty sure. Is it not working?
Ernest: It doesn't appear to be working.
Hamilton: Oh, no. That's not the right key, use the one with the round head.
Ernest: Oh, ok. There it goes. *opens the door* Here we are. Did Beverly call yet?
Hamilton: No. He doesn't get off work till 9 anyway. We've probably got an hour or so to kill. Wanna play some tennis?
Ernest: Sure *They sit down on the couch*
Hamilton: *Handing Ernest a controller* Did you see what Lucas was doing last night?
Ernest: No, but I heard about it. I'm suprised he could hold it that long.
Hamilton: Yeah. The sad thing is that he probably spent a ridiculous amount of time practicing that at home.
Ernest: Yeah. Hey, I'm going to get a soda, you want one?
Hamilton: No. I'm fine.
Ernest: Ok, you set the game up, I'll be right back.
Hamilton: You want to do one on one or team.
Ernest: *sitting down* Let's do one on one.
Hamilton: Cool.
*they sit relatively silently and play tennis for an hour*
Ernest: It's after nine. He should be done by now.
Hamilton: Yeah. I think I'm going to call him. *he pulls out his phone, dials* It's ringing. Beverly, what's going, me and Ern are over here.... your place.... ok, cool. Alright, man. See you then. He's on his way here. He just had to stop by the store to pick something up.
Ernest: What did he have to get?
Hamilton: I don't know.
So, here it is, the last day of sweeps week. It's been quite an adventure hasn't it. I mean, I've been on the edge of my seat since day 1. Biting my nails. Holding my breath. Layering the kickstand.
I had two meals of pizza today. Carbondale with Pete and Steve rocked. Carbondale is pretty cool. They have a bitching game store, a bitching comic store, and a highly decent record store. Beat that Cape Girardeau.
Our kitchen is functional again.
Buchheit and I walked home from downtown. It took about an hour, but it was time well spent. Honestly it didn't feel like it took an hour. It was very nice outside. It was a very pleasant evening.
Ok this week I'm going to sign up for classes. Our, at the very least, talk to an adviser. That's my goal.
I feel like I should rant about something. Hmm... ok. I thought of something. People spend too much money on bottled water. There it is. That's it. Well I think I'm going to go to bed now. Yup, just going to hit the sack, catch some Z's.